Category 5: Pentagonal Rectates

This deals with honeycombs with pentagonal symmetric verfs. There are 19 honeycombs, with three groups of six and a lone operative.

Ripech regiment

This regiment has doehonnic symmetry.

118. Ripech - (RIP ech) rectified pechon. It has coes and ikes.

119. Rifipech - (RIFF ip ech) rectified fipech. It has tepeats and gads.

120. Papviddid - (Pap VID id) pentagramal antiprismatoverted disdoe. It has gads and tis.

121. Firpech - (FIRP ech) facetorectified pechon. It has tepeats and tis.

122. Nipciddec - (NIP sid ek) interceptipental cube-doe-decat. It has coes, gads, and sitpetrats.

123. Om Fapadipped - (om FAP a dip ed) omnicircumfacetopental doe-peat-decat. It has ikes, tepeats, and sitpetrats.

Ripped regiment

This regiment has pedhonnic symmetry.

124. Ripped - (RIP ed) rectified pedhon. It has ids and ikes.

125. Rifipped - (RIFF ip ed) rectified fipped. It has peats and gads.

126. Papvidipep - (Pap VID ip pep) pentagramal antiprismatoverted doe-pepat. It has gads and topepats.

127. Firped - (FIRP ed) facetorectified pedhon. It has peats and topepats.

128. Nipdiddipedec - (NIP did ip ed ek) interceptipental disdoe-pedecat. It has ids, gads, and sitpepats.

129. Om Fapdipepipped - (NIP did ip ed ek) omnicircumfacetopental disdoe-pedecat. It has ids, gads, and sitpepats.

Riphexah regiment

This regiment has phexahic symmetry.

130. Riphexah - (RIFF ex ah) rectified phexah. It has thats and ikes.

131. Rifiphexah - (RIFF iff ex ah) rectified fiphexah. It has phats and gads.

132. Papvihadid - (PAP vi dap) pentagramal antiprismatoverted doe-azpat. It has gads and topazats.

133. Firphexah - (FIRF ex ah) facetorectified phexah. It has phats and topazats.

134. Niphiddadec - (NIFF i dad ek) interceptipental hexat-doe-azdecat. It has thats, gads, and sitpazts.

135. Om Fapdishippad - (om FAP dish ip ad) omnicircumfacetopental doe-hipat-azdecat. It has ikes, phats, and sitpazts.

Risped regiment

This lone operative has pedhonnic symmetry.

136. Risped - (RIS ped) rectified sipped. It has dids and pepats.

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